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At Open Door Family Services we provide pregnancy counseling to help you understand the adoption process, provide support to you during your pregnancy, and educate you about your legal rights. This counseling is confidential and personal and your consultant can help you evaluate, without any pressure, whether parenting, adoption, or another plan is best for you and your child. If you are in need of pre-natal care, your consultant will help you arrange for prenatal care. Open Door Family Services can also in some instances, offer assistance for transportation, food and housing. We can also connect you directly to your local Pregnancy Resource Center to provide additional services.


We realize that this is a stressful time for you, and are there to help you plan for your future thoughtfully and carefully, weighing all options before making decisions. Whether you decide to place your child for adoption with an approved and waiting adoptive family, or make the decision that you will parent your child, we can help you make decisions that can empower you for the rest of your life. You make the choice and determine what is the best path for you and your child.


As an agency, we can assist you in every step of your adoption. Our pregnancy counselors are professionals who believe that your needs must be met with sensitivity and compassion. We can assist you in choosing a family, take care of legal work, and assist with expenses in some cases. If you choose adoption for your child, it will be a choice based on your belief that it is the best plan for you and your baby and will not be the result of any pressure placed on you.


If you are in the process of determining what is the best choice for you and your child, please contact us for support and help. We can help you by discussing the choices available to you and helping you decide what will be best for you and your child based on you situation. We will also help prepare you for the emotions and feelings that are involved in an adoption plan and assist you in working through those both before and after the placement.

Adoption Agency Jackson, Michigan

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